Honeycomb Credits

Honeycomb works via a credit system (1 Credit = $0.05USD). Each day, your server will consume a number of credits determined by your member count and the NFTs you're tracking.

Features requiring credits:

  • Role management (excluding verified role)
  • Whitelist generation

If you don't have enough credits for a particular day, then you will not be able to use these features on your server.


How is credit usage calculated?

Honeycomb uses a number of factors to determine your usage, including members and assets being used for role management. There is a daily base upkeep of 2.5 credits if you are using the role management features. You can check your usage from the Honeycomb settings menu in your server (/admin)

Show Usage Calculations (Members = Members linked with Honeycomb, not total member count)

Obtaining Honeycomb Credits

Honeycomb Credits can be obtained from NeftyBlocks. Two options are available:

  • 100 Credits ($5)
  • 1000 Credits ($50)

The purchase page can be found at this drop link: NeftyBlocks

Redeeming Honeycomb Credit NFTs

When redeeming Credit NFTs, you must use your server's Honeycomb code as the memo or your redemption will be lost. You can find this memo from the /admin setup menu of your server, as well as a guide to redeeming credits. We recommend using the pre-generated transfer link to minimise the chances of mistakes.

To redeem, transfer the NFT with the correct memo to the wallet hc.sixpm. Ensure the details are correct, as incorrectly performed redemptions may result in the loss of your NFT and credits.

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